Hello, and welcome to the hotel homepage. This is where you can receive information about the habbo retro. First of all, the hotel is called Trenning hotel and it is new. It is a old school, habbo retro version. I have picked old school, because it does not lagg, it never disconnects, and it does not have any kind of habbo retro error that you would normally access on a holo cms habbo retro. Trenning hotel is a twenty four seven online hotel, so it is never offline for any reason at all. As we say, the hotel is new, we are going to need some Trenning hotel staff that would be online most everyday. The hotel management has decided to hire all of the habbo retro ranks, so silver hobba, gold hobba, moderator and also administrator. Some people could receive the silver hobba rank on Trenning hotel because it gives out rewards to some of the habbo users.

You could receive silver hobba easily if you are one of the first users to joing the hotel. The hotel management has decided to give out the rank silver hobba to the first 5 users that joing the hotel. This is because the hotel is new and we would need some staff begginer's to start ranking up to higher ranks on the hotel. If you are one of the first 5 users to joing the hotel, as the hotel management says you would receive silver hobba. Once you have received that, you will also get the silver hobba badge, the mod tool and a couple of staff commands. 

Silver hobba is basicly a low rank of staff, you are a beginner of staff. Your job is to support the hotel and look out for users that are breaking the rules for the new hotel. Also, you are helping other users that are receiving issue's during Trenning hotel, that way, you may receive a promotion. If you have done a good job working on your rank, you will receive the promotion of the next rank.

Trenning hotel contains hamachi. If you do not have hamachi already, you can go to www.google.com and download it for free from there. Once it has downloaded, and installed. You will need to connect to the hotel's network. You will be asked to enter a ID and also, a password. Click Joing a exsisting network, and then for the ID. Write in Trenning Hotel, and when you come to the password entering, write in 123, and when you have done joining the hotel's network. You will now be able to access Trenning hotel where all the fun is. Just to let you know, if you try to enter the hotel with out connecting to the hotel's network, you will receive a disconnection when you are trying to regsiter a account.

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